Renewal from Another Perspective

What does renewal look and feel like to a four year old?

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Days in the sandbox, walks with Papa, stories at bedtime…what a reminder!  The little things… the connecting moments, a fresh perspective, the getting messy also bring renewal…not only the new jobs, birthdays and radical leaps.  Who is teaching you a fresh approach to renewal these days?

What I’m Loving Right Now

It’s easy for me to get so preoccupied with what I call the daily-ness of life, that I lose sight of what I am loving in the present moment.  When I find myself pausing–while in my meditation space, journaling, writing a blog post, or reflecting on my past week with my coach or peers–I can begin to take notice of what is amazing and energizing in my life. 

What am I loving right now?  I love:

  • listening to Coach Isabel‘s free recordings on fulfilling your soul’s calling.  This masterful coach describes the process of articulating what you most want to offer the world through your work…and she gives many tips and ideas on how to do it.  
  • working on my right-brain business plan that I created from Artizen Coaching’s right-brain business plan kit.  What a cool idea!  You can order a kit on their website; it comes with visualizations to listen to as well as a beautiful ebook on creating your plan.

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  • making Ina Garten’s white pizza from her barefoot contessa at home cookbook.  It’s a perfect Sunday night meal…especially when Harper poops out early and we can enjoy a slow, easy meal together

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  •  giving and getting grace…last night, as we pulled in late to a friend’s birthday party, I told Harper I was sorry for getting lost and arriving late.  He smiled and said, “I still love you, Mommy.”
  • Jennifer Louden’s Comfort Cafe.  It’s a cool way for women to connect and be supported in their self-care journey.  The monthly membership offers monthly journaling questions, teleclasses, audio downloads, and a forum to “talk” with other members.  Find out more by visiting Jennifer’s blog, The Comfort Queen.
  • walking in my neighborhood…to the park, to the farmer’s market, to the coffee shop…it’s what I’ve been wanting for several years now!
  • and so many more!

We are off to Indiana this weekend to visit with family and friends for the holiday.  Have a love-filled weekend everyone!

Accepting Help

This morning, I opened Janet Quinn’s I Am a Woman Finding My Voice to the message “I Am a Woman Accepting Help.”  What most resonated with me was this passage:

In my heart of hearts, I need.  I need to be part of a larger whole.  I need human touch and voice and connection.  I need other people to share the journey with, in all its pain and beauty and wonder and mystery.  I cannot grow in a vacuum, alone and isolated.  More important, I no longer want to.  I am strong enough now, wise enough, healed enough to stop resisting help and to say simply thank you.  I am a woman accepting help.

And what incredible help I have around me these days…

  • my hubby Joe as he parents solo a few nights this week as I claim some self-care time
  • my friend Christy as she meets for dinner and we share our latest questions, passions, and lessons
  • healing guides, coaches, yoga teachers, authors, and teleclass teachers who share their wisdom so that I may stretch myself
  • my son Harper as he invites me to delight in simple things and to learn the power in expressing my feelings
  • my retreat co-host Chris as we plan retreats together at her property, The Cottage
  • fellow mamas on blogs and yahoo groups who offer tips, ideas and resources while reminding me I am not alone
  • my peer coach Donna as we mastermind our businesses together cross-country
  • my parents and in-laws who have volunteered to watch Harper in the next couple of weekends

My intention is to stay open to the helping…to offer help in return…and to feel the gratitude of the love around me!  What does help look like for you right now?

Claiming Space

Although we moved into our new home in late January, I still feel like I am getting oriented to the space and feel of the space.  Our second abode in the last year was a 3,000 sq. ft. condo that while big on space was small on personality.  Now, we are taking our time in arranging and designing live-able space in this 1,800 sq. ft. home.  Talk about shape-shifting!  And while pictures are beginning to be posted and flowers planted, I had yet to claim some space just for me.  Until today.

I had been eyeing a cedar closet in our basement as a cozy, meditative “Tisha” spot for a few months.  But I felt almost embarrassed sharing with friends that my spot–my “room of one’s own”–was in the dark, musty basement.  It felt a bit like I was putting myself and my dreams and my visions quite literally down below and hidden out of sight.  Seemed to be a poor message to be putting out the Universe.  After saying once again to my coach, Lerae, this week how I was longing for space and wanted a special spot for my vision board, we began to poke a bit at the idea of this cedar closet.  Lerae gently stated that the basement could be a metaphor for me going inward, spiraling into myself and my thoughts.  It could be my cocoon, of sorts.  A protected space.  And that finally resonated.  I checked out some meanings/stories/beliefs of cedar today online and found out that cedar trees historically are known as protected bark to keep away bad energies and spirits.  Ahem.

I’m beginning to create this space…of renewal, of new visions, of peace.  Where are you claiming your space?

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Renewal Out and About

This morning, I enjoyed hosting an exhibit booth at the Women’s Health Fair sponsored by Family Scholar House here in Louisville.  I had so much fun creating a booth of information and–hopefully–inspiration. 

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Visitors especially loved the books Soul Support by Deb Koffman, Succulent Wild Woman by SARK, and The Creative Family by Amanda Soule.  My friend and colleague Laura from the University of Louisville Counseling Center asked if all life coaches are trained to clap their hands in excitement.  I just couldn’t help myself when someone would pull one of my renewal cards and the message would be just perfect.  Divine, I tell you!  Here’s a picture of the mini cards I created on renewal:

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And here’s Laura at her booth:

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For me, it was nice to simply be out and about, as well as meet up with like-minded women.  Spending most days on my phone or computer in my home office, this was quite a treat to engage with others live and to have some fun.  I actually posted the words “Not Alone Anymore” on my business plan collage so here I go living into that!   

What else will be renewing today?

  • attending my weekly yoga class at Infinite Bliss Yoga
  • pondering homework questions from my coaching session last night with my own coach, Lerae
  • dawdling over the results show of American Idol tonight with my hubby

What about you?

Happy Day

Happy Day to all the Mama’s out there!  We just returned from a slow walk down to the park to throw rocks in the creek, play at the playground, and enjoy a few snacks of cheese and crackers, juice and raspberry tea.  While the boys play frisbee in the backyard, I’m taking a break to share with you these words I clipped from a newspaper several years ago.

Enjoy this tribute to all strong women from Jennifer Lapin today:

I have known strong women in my lifetime

Women who have shown so much courage and grace

Women who have held everything together under all the pressures of life,

And who did so beautifully,

Women who have sacrificed so much for the happiness of others

Women who have given so much, tirelessly and without complaint

Women who have raised their children all on their own

Women who have put their dreams on hold to help their children achieve theirs first

Women who have battled their own addictions and won the fight

Women who have beaten the odds when they were told there was not hope

Women who have broken the abusive cycle and lived to tell others how to do the same

Women who have fought bravely and given their lives for our freedom

Women who have taught children simply because they want a better future for them

Women who have given up a child in the hopes that they will have a better life with someone else

Women who have worked hard all their lives and never taken no for an answer

I am amazed by strong women every day

I am proud to be the daughter, daughter-in-law, niece, sister, cousin, granddaughter and friend of incredibly strong women

I hope to one day be as strong as they are

Love as strong as they do

And live up to the legacy that all strong women have left behind them

And pass it on to the next generation of strong women.

Here, Here!  Hope y’all have a fabulous day!

A Dose of Love

This morning, I was blessed to begin my day with two lovely surprises.  I happened to visit two blogs that often offer an inspiring kick-start to my day and both posts absolutely rocked, I tell you!  As in, wanting to give high-fives, dancing in my seat, and even–I’ll admit!–getting a bit teary.  Check out today’s posts from Soule Mama and Christine Kane.  They are truly expressions of why we are here on this earth…one in words and one in song.

We are here to live–and love–outloud, aren’t we?  Indeed!

Renewal in Unlikely Ways

So.  We had high hopes for our Saturday.  It was the first weekend in weeks when Joe, my husband, was off from school.  We actually had an entire weekend for family time, at home, together.  We had romantic notions of a lazy morning in pajamas sipping coffee and reading the newspaper (a Stephens’ family ritual, I might add!), of strolling to the farmer’s market up the street, of exploring the library and hitting baseballs in the backyard.  It was going to be grand.  And renewing.

I quickly realized about 8:00am after a morning meltdown that it might just be a day of finding renewal in unlikely ways.  Instead of what I thought it would be, Saturday became what it needed to be:  a day of being heard, of reconnecting with one another, of loving, of Plan Bs, of letting go and being surprised. 





Renewal became an afternoon of bowling (Harper’s first!), planting pumpkin seed starters (oh my!  what are we getting ourselves into?), dancing to “Imagination Movers” music and the Red Hot Chili Peppers, a leisurely dinner for us after Harper was in bed, and yes, even a bit of baseball in the backyard.  And so the learning–and living–continues!

Easy Does It

During the throes of transition in the last two years, I noticed myself saying “this is going to be hard…I’m struggling with fill-in-the-blank…this is difficult.”  While many moments were indeed tough, somewhere along the way I began to ponder “hard.”  Was it true that fill-in-the-blank was actually hard?  Did it have to be? Was it possible for it to be easy instead? 

In Words of Wisdom for Women, Rachel Snyder writes,

“Ease.  Instead of thrusting your way out into the world, ease into it.  Ease into a new job; you don’t have to knock their socks off on the first day.  Ease into a new relationship; you don’t have to take your socks off on the first date.  Get out of your own way and let things take their natural course.  Ease your mind.  Make the phone call, drop by to check in, go home and make sure you turned off the stove.  There’s no dishonor in taking the path of least resistance.  Ease into a new rhythm.  When you head off in a new direction, ease into it.  Take things as they come and everything will be easier.  When you see a woman struggling, offer to ease up on yourself.  If you’re starting to lose control, ease up on the pedal and ease yourself back into the driver’s seat.”

Shifting from hard to easy continues to be one of my daily intentions.  Can you relate?  Right now, I know it is part of what is necessary for me to renew my heart and soul.  To revive my life.  What about you?

P.S.  Check out more of Rachel’s words and her books at her blog, Just Say Yes Now! (