

She said, go fast.

She said, live on fire.

She said, you are a wild card and a love goddess.

She said, sell the house, sell the car.


She said, shine on and sparks will fly.

She said, it is your connection to everything.

She said, give it all away.

She said, be all in.

She said, let’s drink espresso and eat croissants.

She said, this will be epic.

She said, make it free and easy.

She said, you have it all in you.

She said, it was waiting to come to life.

She said, fast confessions.


She said, honey you have lifetimes of fierce in you.

She said, create a room of your own.

She said, buy the boots and cut the hair.

She said, let it go.

She said, make the dream catcher.

She said, I won’t let you down.

She said, you are me and I am you.

She said, the future is leaving.


She said, begin your adventure here.

She said, track your wanderlust.

She said, there is a soulful way.

She said, radiance becomes you.

She said, you are a good girl gone badass.

She said fire and rescue, baby.

She said, it will be magic.

She said go fast.





Maybe you are longing for a moment.  Just one.  A moment to hear yourself.

Maybe you are itching for the right question to savor, the one that will kindle your fire.

Maybe you are sitting in a locked bathroom trying to get five minutes of quiet.  To breathe.  To come back to center.

Maybe you can’t remember what to ask.

Maybe you can.  But you are too afraid or tired or confused to form the words.

If this is you, go gently.  Or boldly.  Grab the pen and  sprawl across your unmade bed.  Sit in your car an extra five minutes and let the words take shape.  Ask as if you were speaking to your best friend.  Ask as if your life depended on it.

Here are five simple questions I have been asking myself and everyone I know this year.  My clients.  My kids.  Now you.

  1. What do you need?
  2. What does your heart/gut/spirit tell you?
  3. What is your responsibility?
  4. What do you know for sure?
  5. What sets you on fire?